If you have already had your building designed and are shocked at the quotes
from Builders, perhaps you should consider taking advantage of our no obligation,
Project Redesign service.
We have been asked to redesign the structural engineering for many projects that
have been over designed. Usually by engineers who try and do both civil and
structural engineering. In my opinion it is not possible to do both excellently.
Both fields are not only very different but very broad.
We never charge more than half the amount of money we save our Clients on
Here is a step by step chart of the procedure to redesign your project :
Send me by Post or by Email:
1. A copy of the Engineer's Drawings
2. A copy of the Architectural Drawings (if you have them)
3. A copy of the Builder's written quote.
Then I can see if it's possible to save you money when you go to build. There is no charge for this review.
If my answer is "Yes, it is possible to save you a significant amount of money", I will send you preliminary design and sizing specifications.
You can then get a revised building quote.
Again, there is no fee for my advice up to this stage
If you wish to proceed with saving yourself some money,
we can then discuss what would be a reasonable fee for me to redesign your building.
We never charge more than half the amount of money we can save you.
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